At Oduncreamzcakes we are fully committed to providing you with the best quality products. We also have quality control checks in place to ensure products we deliver are the best quality. If for any reason you are not satisfied with the quality or if the product is damaged of faulty, please inform us within 24hours after receiving the product. Complaints on perishable products like cakes, flowers cannot be investigated if made later than 24hours following date of delivery and Oduncreamzcakes will not be responsible for refund and the product will be non-returnable. For non-perishable products, complaints can be attended to not later than 7 working days after date of delivery. Kindly note that all perishable products found to be genuinely faulty are returned for a replacement and costs are non-refundable. Customers should also order perishable products like cakes 2-4 days from required delivery date. All returned products must be in the same condition in which they were sent.

If for any reason after investigation, oduncreamzcakes discovers the product’s condition has been altered, such products will not be accepted.

Failed Delivery Attempt:

Oduncreamzcakes delivery team try their best to make all deliveries on the day you request. However, very occasionally, circumstances such as vehicle breakdowns/accidents, heavy traffic, emergency lockdowns and curfews happen and deliveries don’t get made. In these circumstances, we will try our best to make sure delivery is made the following working day. If our delivery team attempted a delivery and no one was available to sign for the product and no instructions were given to leave it, we would call the mobile number of the recipient to indicate arrival, if no instructions on receipt that same delivery day and same delivery venue

is given, we will patiently wait for 15minutes and call the recipient’s mobile number again to indicate our departure. The products are returned back to our bakery and customers can come pick it up not later than 24 hours (working days only). Cakes which have not been picked up later than that would be disposed. Customers should note that perishable products like cakes and flowers may not stay as fresh as they have been on the initial date of delivery. Unfortunately, no refund will be offered on the first failed delivery attempt and customers will be charged again before every ‘failed delivery caused by a customer’ re-delivery request.


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